Indumentária, f. Arte do vestuário. História do vestuário. Sistema de vestuário, em relação a certas épocas ou povos.

in Cândido Figueiredo, Pequeno Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa, "Dicionários Bertrand", 21ª ed., Lisboa, Livraria Bertrand, 1981.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Dancing with myself


With the record selection

And the mirror's reflection,

I'm a dancing with myself


Well, I wait so long for my love vibration

And I'm dancing with myself.

Oh, oh. Dancing with myself,

Oh, oh, dancing with myself.

Well, there's nothing to lose

And there's nothing to prove, well,

Dancing with myself, oh, oh, oh, oh.


But your empty eyes seem to pass me by

And leave me dancing with myself.


If I had a chance, I'd ask one to dance

And I'd be dancing with myself.

Oh, oh, dancing with myself

Oh, oh, dancing with myself


If I had a chance, I'd ask one to dance

If I had a chance, I'd ask one to dance

If I had a chance, I'd ask one to dance

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh, dancing with myself

Oh, oh, dancing with myself

Sweat, sweat, sweat, ...

Billy Idol e Tony James

Dancing with myself... é uma das músicas que me faz mais vibrar, danças diferentes, palavras e sentimentos iguais. Sweet 80's.

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